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Relaxation for Driver hours Rules. What Operators need to know!!

In brief,
- Operators must be aware of the new relaxation’s requirements.
- Operators must notify DFT in advance of using the relaxations.
- Operators & Drivers must be aware of the relaxations Period
- (12:01am on 12 July 2021 and will run until 11:59pm on 8 August 2021)
- Drivers must make a written record of the relaxation used on a daily basis
- (print out and write on reverse) same as recording an unforeseen event)
- Operators must notify DFT one week after stopping using the relaxation.
The retained EU drivers’ hours rules can be temporarily relaxed as follows:
- The permitted increase to the daily driving limit from 9 hours to 10 hours with one of 11 hours (allowed up to twice in 1 week)
- The requirement to take a regular weekly rest period of 45 hours in a 2-week period with an alternative pattern of weekly rest periods as specified below, and an increase to the fortnightly driving limit from 90 hours to 99 hours. This enables 2 consecutive reduced weekly rest periods to be taken
When does this come into force:
This temporary relaxation will apply from 12:01am on 12 July 2021 and will run until 11:59pm on 8 August 2021.
Consecutive weekly rest periods taken before 12 July 2021 must be taken into account for this relaxation, and up to 3 consecutive rest periods may include 1 taken before 8 July 2021.
Using the relaxation. An operator utilising the relaxation MUST notify DFT in advance of using the relaxations.
Operators must notify the DfT if this relaxation is used by completing an initial notification of relaxation form and emailing a copy to RSSSFOLRCOVID19@dft.gov.uk.
A completed follow-up notification of relaxation form must then be emailed to RSSSFOLRCOVID19@dft.gov.uk one week after the end of the period of relaxation.
The Government states: Failure to comply with the requirement to notify the DFT would be an indication to enforcement authorities that the relaxation had been used inappropriately and follow-up investigatory action may occur.
Driver must, when driving under the EU drivers’ hours rules relaxation, make a note on the back of their tachograph charts or printouts, the reasons why they are exceeding the normally permitted limits.
For full requirements see .GOV web site–
Please find the form to Notify the DFT here-https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1000089/Initial_notification_of_relaxation_form.odt